Milk and Health – Why Cow's Milk is a Human Health Risk
“There is compelling evidence, now published in top scientific journals and some of which is decades old, showing that cows’ milk is associated, possibly even causally, with a wide variety of serious human ailments including various cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and an array of allergy-related diseases. And, this food contains no nutrients that cannot be better obtained from other far more nutritious and tasty foods.”
- Dr. Colin Campbell
“Due to the extreme processes that milk undergoes, as well as the high amounts of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically-modified substances that cows are continually exposed to, I can, with much certainty, say that there are real and eminent dangers associated with drinking milk from cows. All cows release toxins through their milk, as milk is a natural exit-portal for substances that the body cannot use.”
– Global Healing Center
“The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk and have the most calcium in their diets. The connection between calcium consumption and bone health is actually very weak, and the connection between dairy consumption and bone health is almost nonexistent.”
- Amy Lanou, nutrition director for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C.
Diary consumption and its effects on the human body has been a subject of debate for quite awhile. With this article I would like to address the myth of dairy being good for our health.
Through mass media tools such as the “Got Milk?” campaign, we are led to believe that “milk does a body good” as they so eloquently state. Is this really the truth? Absolutely not!
“Milk is a high quality source of vitamin D and calcium.”: MYTH
This is entirely not true. Because of the fact that milk goes through a pasteurization process, which means it is heated to 71.7 degrees Celsius to ensure sterilization, almost all nutritional value is lost. We have to understand that all organic matter has what you can call “life force energy”. When organic liquid is subject to extreme temperatures such as pasteurization, this life force is destroyed as it debilitates the molecular structure of the milk. It actually destroys the calcium and vitamin D within the milk and as a result, it becomes a leaching agent and seeks to restore its original molecular structure. Animal proteins in dairy also have been found to leach calcium from the body. Upon consumption, dairy acidifies within the body and extracts calcium from our bones. The calcium acts as a neutralizer for the acid as the body tries to naturally balance its PH level. This process in turn results in being a major cause for cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis and other diseases.It’s also similar to the process with distilled water, as it is boiled and when consumed, leaches nutrients from the body that the water had contained before the distilling process occurred.
Now some people may say that raw milk is healthier to drink because is does not go through a pasteurization process, but it’s important to understand that at the infant stage, we carry active enzymes which are called “lactase” enzymes. These enzymes are used to break down lactose in milk so that it can be digested and used efficiently for energy. Through research, it has been shown that after the infant stage of approximately 3 years of age, lactase in the body begins to deplete as we are genetically programmed to no longer be dependent on our mother’s milk. Lactose intolerance is a result of lactase deficiency. With this being said, it doesn’t matter whether we drink pasteurized or non-pasteurized milk, our bodies are not designed to break it down and digest it properly. Without the proper digestion process the body cannot utilize nutrients properly. If we understand that as we grow older, our bodies are designed to not digest milk does it really make sense to consume it? Large amounts of dairy such as milk and cheese can lead to poor health through the debilitation of our bones, teeth and organs and is an associated cause of various human diseases.
- Humans are the only species on the planet that drinks another species milk.
- Lactose intolerance affects more than 7 million Canadians (20% of the nations population). This is likely an underestimate as many individuals do not associate their symptoms with lactose-containing foods or are asymptomatic.
- More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders every year. (57% of the nations population)
- Digestive disorders cost $18 billion (in 2000) annually in health care costs and lost productivity.
- Canada has the highest incidence of gastrointestinal ulcers in the world and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in the world.
- Next to lung cancer, digestive cancers kill more Canadians than any other type of cancer. One out of every five new cancer cases in 2009 will involve the digestive tract. Colon cancer has the 2nd highest death rate of all cancers in Canada.
In knowing these facts, it shows us just how much our dietary habits affect our health and how we function on the planet. Even a simple change in our diet, such as stopping the consumption of dairy, could drastically reduce funding costs on national and global healthcare and result in a more vibrant and healthier population. This would allow us to move forward greatly in changing human society. Through feeling healthy and restoring the body to it’s natural balance and energetic flow, we will feel more at peace within ourselves and this will reflect in how we function and create our lives individually and collectively. Imagine a world full of healthy people…The energetic difference would be staggering!
Through the sharing and spreading of this information we hope that it will give people a perspective on dairy and consuming dairy products that they may not have had before. It can lead to major change if enough of us become aware of the effects that consuming dairy has on the body. If you have any concerns regarding calcium intake, you can look into a number of ways to sufficiently supply the body with the amount of calcium that it requires. There are a number of alternative ways to consuming calcium such as plant-based foods and drinking milk products such as almond milk and rice milk. Do yourself the favour and look into how you can change your health and others. It can lead you to a more peaceful and vibrant life!
For More Information Please Research The Following Sources of Information:
Canadian Digestive Health Foundation:
Scott Net
Natural News:
Global Healing Center:
Live Strong:
Not Milk:
Save Our Bones:
Tagged as: Causes Of Disease And Toxins, Health Myths Disproven
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